July 16, 2004

At home after Church with Grandaddy and Nan Posted by Hello
Thomas and I are loving being parents! Michael is more fun every day. He still keeps us up some at night, but we've learned to sleep around him. He responds more to sounds than sights at this point. He seems to love Vivaldi (Maybe I'm reading into that), and He likes being read to, although he prefers books about rabbits over the Summa Theologica, I've discovered. He doesn't cry much and he is starting to smile more, mostly at his mom or his mobile. This weekend we are going to take him to the National Gallery of Art. I especially want him to see the exhibit of Italian Paintings of the 13th - 14th centuries. Hopefully he will enjoy the bright colors and defined features of these medieval paintings. Or he just might sleep through the whole thing.

Michael at about 8 weeks.  Posted by Hello